
학력사항 PhD in computer science from University of Maryland for research in neural networks and machine learning MS in computer science from University of Washington BS and MS in industrial engineering from Seoul National University


학력사항 1999 Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, Cornell University, USA 1993 B.S., Mathematics, Seoul National University, Korea 주요경력 2012-현재 Professor, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea 2009-2010 Advisory Professor (자문교수), Financial Supervisory Services (금융감독원) 2001-2012 Postdoctoral ResearAssistant, Associate, Tenured Professor, Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, POSTECH, Koreach Associate, CS Department, Princeton University 연구분야 통계 […]


학력사항 2012 카네기멜론대학교 Computer Science Department 박사 2009 카네기멜론대학교 Information Technology 석사 2003 서울대학교 컴퓨터공학과 학사 주요경력 2015-현재 전임교수, 서울대학교 컴퓨터공학부 2013-2015 조교수, KAIST 전산학부 2012 Postdoctoral Fellow, Carnegie Mellon University 2004-2007 Researcher, Korea Telecom 연구분야 딥러닝, 기계 학습 그래프/텐서 분석 추천 시스템 금융 인공 지능