세미나 게시판
IPAI_admin 2024-10-10 106
- Date 2024-12-10~2024-12-10, 16:00~17:00
- Location 303동 661-6호
- Speaker David Lindell 교수님(University of Toronto)
University of Toronto의 David Lindell 교수님(Department of Computer Science)이 "Imaging Dynamic Scenes from Seconds to Picoseconds"을 주제로 세미나를 진행합니다. 관심 있는 학생들의 많은 참여 바랍니다. 이번 세미나의 호스트는 박재식 교수님(서울대학교 협동과정 인공지능전공 / 컴퓨터공학부)입니다.
The observed timescales of the universe span from the exasecond scale (~1e18 seconds) down to the zeptosecond scale (~1e-21 seconds). While specialized imaging systems can capture narrow slices of this temporal spectrum in the ultra-fast regime (e.g., nanoseconds to picoseconds; 1e-9 to 1e-12 s), they cannot simultaneously capture both slow (>1 second) and ultra-fast events (<1 nanosecond). Further, ultra-fast imaging systems are conventionally limited to single-viewpoint capture, hindering 3D visualization at ultra-fast timescales. In this talk, I discuss (1) new computational algorithms that turn a single-photon detector into an "ultra-wideband" imaging system that captures events from seconds to picoseconds; and (2) a method for neural rendering using multi-viewpoint, ultra-fast videos captured using single-photon detectors. The latter approach enables rendering videos of propagating light from novel viewpoints, observation of viewpoint-dependent changes in light transport predicted by Einstein, recovery of material properties, and accurate 3D reconstruction from multiply scattered light. Finally, I discuss future directions in ultra-wideband imaging.
David Lindell 교수님 소개
David Lindell is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto. His research combines applied optics, emerging sensor platforms, machine learning, and physics-based algorithms to enable new capabilities in visual computing. Prior to joining the University of Toronto, he received his Ph.D. from Stanford University. He is a recipient of the 2021 ACM SIGGRAPH Outstanding Dissertation Honorable Mention Award, the 2023 Marr Prize, two 2023 Sony Research Awards, and a 2024 Google Research Scholar Award.
사전 참가 링크
사전 참가 신청 링크는 https://forms.gle/PhZmaWvHnTJyEaKz8 입니다. (신청 기간 : ~12.5.(목) 16:00) 사전참가신청을 한 학생들에 한하여 '우선적으로' 다과와 음료가 지급될 예정이며, 세미나 장소(661-6호)에서는 음식물 섭취가 금지되어 있으니, 세미나 전 또는 후, 외부에서 취식 부탁 드립니다.