Subject List
Subject No. | Name(Korean) | Name | Classification | Credit |
M3309.000100 | 인공지능의 원리 | Principles of Artificial Intelligence | major elective | 3 |
M3309.000200 | 강화학습 | Reinforcement Learning | major elective | 3 |
M3309.000300 | 인공지능 세미나 | Artificial Intelligence Seminar | major elective | 1 |
M3309.000400 | 최신 인공지능 기술 | Recent Topics in Artificial Intelligence | major elective | 3 |
M3309.000500 | 소리에서 의미로 | From Sound To Meaning | major elective | 3 |
M3309.000600 | 딥러닝기반 컴퓨터비전 | Deep Learning for Computer Vision | major elective | 3 |
M3309.000900 | 딥러닝 원리 및 실습 | Principles and Practices of Deep Learning | major elective | 3 |
M3309.001000 | 인공지능을 위한 컴퓨터구조 | Computer Architectures for Artificial Intelligence | major elective | 3 |
M3309.001100 | 대학원논문연구 | Dissertation Research | major elective | 3 |
M3309.001200 | 지능형 컴퓨터비전 | Intelligent Computer Vision | major elective | 3 |
M3309.001300 | 정보융합 통계분석 | Statistical Analysis for Information Studies | major elective | 3 |
M3309.001400 | 영상 및 비디오 신호처리 | Image and Video Signal Processing | major elective | 3 |
M3309.001500 | 패턴인식 | Pattern Recognition | major elective | 3 |
M3309.001600 | 추정이론 | Estimation Theory | major elective | 3 |
M3309.001700 | 기계학습 | Machine Learning | major elective | 3 |
M3309.001800 | 기계지능특강 | Topics in Machine Intelligence | major elective | 3 |
M3309.001900 | 최적화기법 | Optimization Theory and Applications | major elective | 3 |
M3309.002000 | 스토캐스틱 제어 및 강화학습 | Stochastic Control and Reinforcement Learning | major elective | 3 |
M3309.002100 | 자연언어처리 | Natural Language Processing | major elective | 3 |
M3309.002200 | 고급인공지능 | Advanced Artificial Intelligence | major elective | 3 |
M3309.002300 | 인공신경망 | Artificial Neural Networks | major elective | 3 |
M3309.002400 | 확률 그래프 모델 | Probabilistic Graphical Models | major elective | 3 |
M3309.002500 | 생물정보학을 위한 기계학습 | Machine Learning in Bioinformatics | major elective | 3 |
M3309.002600 | 인공지능 및 빅데이터시스템 | Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Systems | major elective | 3 |
M3309.002700 | 지능형시스템수학 | Mathematics for Intelligent Systems | major elective | 3 |
M3309.002800 | 소셜컴퓨팅 | Social Computing | major elective | 3 |
M3309.002900 | 컴퓨터 청각 | Machine Listening | major elective | 3 |
M3309.003000 | 정보융합 뉴럴 네트워크 | Neural Networks for Information Convergence Studies | major elective | 3 |
M3309.003100 | 지능시스템을 위한 패턴인식 | Pattern Recognition for Intelligent Systems | major elective | 3 |
M3309.003200 | 지능시스템을 위한 VLSI 설계 | VLSI Design for Intelligent Systems | major elective | 3 |
M3309.003300 | 데이터센터 구조의 융합적 접근 | A Holistic Approach to Datacenter Architecture | major elective | 3 |
M3309.003400 | 창의 자율 인공지능 연구 1 | Creative and Independent AI Research 1 | major elective | 3 |
M3309.003500 | 창의 자율 인공지능 연구 2 | Creative and Independent AI Research 2 | major elective | 3 |
M3309.003600 | 인공위성자료의 이해와 활용 | Understanding and Application of Satellite Data | major elective | 3 |
M3309.003700 | 신호처리특강 | Topics in Signal Processing | major elective | 3 |
M3309.003800 | 인공지능의 의료 응용 | Medical Application of Artificial Intelligence | major elective | 3 |
M3309.003900 | 시스템소프트웨어특강 | Topics in System Software | major elective | 3 |
M3309.004000 | 컴퓨터조직 및 설계 | Computer Organization and Design | major elective | 3 |
M3309.004100 | 집적회로특강 | Topics in Intergrated Cricuit Design | major elective | 3 |
M3309.004200 | 고급 딥러닝 | Advanced Deep Learning | major elective | 3 |
M3309.004300 | 컴퓨터 및 VLSI특강 | Topics in Computer and VLSI | major elective | 3 |
M3309.004400 | 인공지능특강 | Topics in Artificial Intelligence | major elective | 3 |
M3309.004500 | 모바일 및 유비쿼터스컴퓨팅 | Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing | major elective | 3 |
M3309.004600 | 표현학습 | Representation Learning | major elective | 3 |
M3309.004700 | 로봇-환경 상호작용 동역학 및 제어 | Dynamics and Control of Robot-Environment Interaction | major elective | 3 |
M3309.004800 | 휴머노이드 로봇 보행제어의 이론과 실습 | Theory and Practice of Humanoid Walking Control | major elective | 3 |
M3309.004900 | 컴퓨터 상호연결 네트워크 | Computer Interconnection Networks | major elective | 3 |
M3309.005000 | 지능시스템을 위한 고급 VLSI 설계 | Advanced VLSI Design for Intelligent Systems | major elective | 3 |
M3309.005100 | 산업공학특론 | Topics in Industrial Engineering | major elective | 3 |
M3309.005200 | 딥러닝의 통계적 이해 | Deep Learning: Statistical Perspective | major elective | 3 |
M3309.005400 | 의학영상응용 | Medical Image Processing | major elective | 3 |
M3309.005500 | 고차원데이터 분석을 위한 기하학적 방법 | Geometric Methods for High-Dimensional Data Analysis | major elective | 3 |
M3309.005600 | AI와 창업 | AI Startups | major elective | 3 |
M3309.005700 | 자율시스템 모션계획 및 의사결정기술 | Motion Planning and Decision Making for Autonomous Systems | major elective | 3 |
M3309.005800 | 인공지능 신뢰성 | Trustworthy AI | major elective | 3 |
M3309.005900 | 생성형 인공지능 | Generative Artifical Intelligence | major elective | 3 |
M3309.006000 | 공간전사체학 개론 | Introduction to Spatial Transcriptomics | major elective | 3 |